Trustpage sees 3x more engagement on their Tourial CTA compared to their Sign Up button

"Beyond the platform's ease of use and implementation, we're excited about how many use cases we can create in Tourial for various engagement points with prospects and customers."
Mara Willemin
Director of Product-led Sales


more engagement compared to Sign Up button


more engagement compared to Sign Up button





About Trustpage

Trustpage provides connected teams with a centralized hub for managing and sharing their organization's complete security posture, and makes it easy for software teams to define how they protect data and earn trust with their customers. With Trustpage, you can easily remove bottlenecks in the sales process, increase customer confidence, and complete security reviews faster. By building a foundation of trust early and often, companies can engage and interact around what matters most through trust-led growth.

The Challenge

Trustpage’s simple solution solves a complex problem. Since their product is creating a new category, simply prompting visitors to sign-up in their product-led motion isn’t always enough. Many buyers want to see how it works before jumping into the product, or even a demo.

Their goal was to educate buyers on the value of a Trust Center and get the product into users hands as quickly as possible.

Why Tourial

  • Trustpage wanted a solution that would allow people to explore the platform in a self-serve capacity without getting lost in the app.
  • They needed their first Tourial built and launched in a couple weeks to align with their new website redesign.
  • The experience needed to be on brand, in line with the experience of their web app, and implemented cleanly within their website.

The Results

3x more engagement compared to their Sign Up button

Trustpage was able to create an interactive experience and implement it on their new website within two weeks and immediately saw an uptick in the amount of engagement on their homepage. Visitors were able to engage with the platform and gain an understanding, removing the fear from signing up or booking a demo with a sales rep.

How they did it


Website homepage pop-up


Homepage CTA
Product pages
Marketing campaigns
Outbound emails


Security Policy Management

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