At the top of the funnel, it’s all about reducing friction.
Even the most engaged website visitor is only spending a couple minutes on your website. What does that mean?
You have to make every second and click count.
Not long ago, we announced our HubSpot integration which allows Tourial customers to use native forms inside their Tourials (interactive product tours) to capture contact information seamlessly the moment a buyer is ready to convert. That lead data is then sent directly into your HubSpot account.
Why? Because extra steps can spoil a top of funnel website experience.
Well now the same can be said for our Marketo, Pardot, and Salesforce customers! 🔥
Tourial’s direct integrations with these marketing automation platforms (MAPs) ensure you can capitalize, convert, and attribute automatically — without forcing buyers to a separate landing page.
This ensures the lowest possible friction and allows you to more effectively (and confidently) measure ROI.
Additionally, for those companies that gate their Tourials at the beginning or after a few steps, adding a native lead form on top of their Tourial instead of utilizing a separate landing page gives the buyer context as to exactly what is behind the form — which increases conversions into the Tourial.
Best practices for Tourial forms
When it comes to adding forms to your Tourials, you have 3 viable options.
Option 1
Add a persistent CTA inside your Tourial that triggers a form as soon as a buyer is ready to convert

Option 2
Add a form at the end of the Tourial

Pro Tip: Combine this with #1.
Having multiple frictionless ways to capture information is the ideal route because you’re working on your buyer’s terms. They may be ready to chat halfway through the Tourial or they may want to go all the way to the end. Either way, they can convert with ease.
Option 3
Gate the Tourial at a pivotal moment.
Your strategy doesn't have to be all or none when it comes to gating (though we lean toward ungated). That said, it’s very easy to add forms to your Tourials at a point indicating real interest. Maybe they've spent a certain amount of time within a longer Tourial, or they've reached that "aha moment". This could be a way to give visitors a taste of the Tourial before the full experience.
However, we suggest you don’t gate upfront. Why? Leaving your Tourial open provides a better experience for buyers who are still just trying to understand your value proposition. What’s best for the buyer is best for you. Trust us 😎
The other benefit is that viewers get to see what’s behind the form they have to complete — and that drives conversions. Thanks, marketing psychology!
How to get started
If you’re a Marketo or Pardot user and want to start funneling leads straight into your MAP, learn how to setup these integrations for Marketo and Pardot.
Cheers to happier buyers and more conversions!