Introducing Tourial for Enterprise + Demo Studio Launch

Jason Graub
September 18, 2024

When the interactive demo category came on the scene in 2020, it created a huge buzz.

Product marketers have been hacking together interactive demos, demo videos or clickable slide decks for as long as software has been marketed and sold. 

With interactive demos, now there’s a MUCH easier way to create these experiences.

Except the same challenges that product marketers have always faced persist - creating a compelling product story, regardless media form, and then effectively implementing is challenging. 

While there have been plenty of “best practices” and “playbooks” that have been released over the past few years, these typically fall short due to a lack of adaptability to every company's unique product story, go-to-market strategy, and team structure. 

So today, we’re announcing the launch of Tourial’s Enterprise plan and the first of its kind Interactive Demo Studio that provides the product, expertise and resources to launch and optimize great, strategy-driven demos! 

Interactive Demos Take Intention and Strategy

Every interactive demo company has a similar stat - if you replace other product content with an interactive demo experience, it should roughly DOUBLE the engagement. 

But the process to launch a campaign to see those results is not always straightforward. 

The reality is mature businesses need to take a more intentional strategy where their interactive demos are not an afterthought or a “nice to have” -  these are not simple widgets to slap on your website and forget about. 

All of our (Tourial + other demo providers) marketing will tell you that demos are easy to build in just a few minutes…..and we're right! You can easily build a functional clickthrough of your product - but you can't “product” your way to telling compelling stories that will engage your audience or lead to the desired business outcome. 

Organizing critical demo “decisions”

Something most companies are not thinking about as they purchase and adopt interactive demos is the amount of decisions that go into a successful launch. 

Are your interactive demos built to address a specific pain point the product or feature solves? 

Are they addressing a specific audience?

Is the viewer going to be on desktop or mobile? If mobile, do you plan to mobile optimize?

Will the demo be gated, partially gated, or at least have a CTA available to convert from?

How are you tracking conversion and success?

These are just a handful of the decisions to be made that are often overlooked. 

With this launch, we take the guesswork out of this process for you. 

What’s included in our Enterprise plan?

As a Tourial Enterprise customer, this includes all of the tools you need to scale:

  • Media based demos
  • HTML based demos
  • Demo Centers
  • All of our premium integrations
  • Enterprise Single Sign On Team Management
  • Workspaces
  • Sales and Campaign Share Links with password protection and expiration

With all of these features, you are equipped with Tourial to deliver the experience to your buyers for any campaign or use case. 

Most importantly, it includes our Demo Studio Strategic Planning and Project Management services which combine our demo playbooks with our team’s expertise to create a demo strategy and execution plan that’s aligned with your team's needs.

With this enterprise plan, Tourial Studio an extension of your team, ensuring all of your interactive demo objectives are met. 

Demo Studio Services

After years of introducing interactive demos to GTM teams, we at Tourial have learned a great deal about common expectations, misconceptions, and pitfalls that can be avoided. The process and methodology we created has been thoughtfully designed to deliver a smooth and effective implementation of product demos across every value-driving use case you may want to leverage with your investment in Tourial. 

This ensures that important decisions are made at the right time in the process and actions are performed in the most efficient order to accelerate time-to-value and provide a positive experience as your organization adopts product tours. 

As a customer leveraging our Demo Studio services, our team partners with our customers to create a project plan. This is critical with cross-functional shared ownership of demos from creation to implementation and performance tracking. 

In addition to creating and managing this strategy and plan over the course of the year our team also assists with: 

  • Demo Builds: you’ll get everything from initial Storyboarding to Attribution Setup & Optimization
  • Demo “Glow Up”s: tours aren’t quite flowing the way you want them to? We’ll take it from here
  • Attribution & Reporting: optimize your tour strategy based on data, and track the results in your CRM
  • Personalized Workshops: stuck on where to go next with your demo automation strategy? We’ll work through it together
  • Web Design: Struggling with building an impressive demo page? We have partners who can help!

Interested in learning more? 

If you’d like to learn more please reach out and we’d love to discuss how our Enterprise plan can help you hit your interactive demo as part of your go-to-market strategy.